Free Download Game Fate Wildtangent


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    out of 14 votes


There are no PROS


Had a problem with one of their games WE bought the only way to get ahold of these people is by e-mail. Their tech support in e-mail after e-mail kept telling me to do the same thing over and over I think they have a script and that's it, Kept telling them I had already done those things. I am fairly good with computers but could not fix the problem with their game and neither could they bad customer service.


  1. *THIS IS IMPORTANT. ONLY CLICK on 'WildTangent Games App' **Do not click 'Select All' - this WILL remove every game from your computer** Click 'Next' and complete the processes Then, restart your computer, to ensure the program has been removed. Once that important step is done? Head over to the WildTangent website and download the Games App.
  2. WildTangent, Inc. Safe Shopping Guarantee: We guarantee that every transaction you make through WildTangent will be safe. This means you pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your credit card as a result of shopping at WildTangent.

Play (or Re-play) This Classic Dungeon Crawler! During the golden days of action RPGs, FATE was a powerhouse, winning runner-up for PC Magazines Role-Playing Game of the year. Popular enough to spawn 3 sequels, this was one of the premier dungeon crawlers of its time.

I would not do business with this company again that says it all. Make sure when you buy any kind of software from a company they have some sort of support you can talk to.

{ review.getRatingValue }}




Nothing. Useless.


This is probably spyware as another user has stated. It slowed down my PC considerably.
I didn't even install it myself, but it came pre-installed on my HP PC.
Also it changed the homepage of all my browsers to Gadgetbox Search.


I would strongly recommend to stay away from this very annoying crap!


Download Wildtangent Games App Install

Great way to see if your malware scanner works.


This whole product line is full of riskware/malware/spyware. I have never come across a PC that someone had intentionally installed this software nor have I found a computer where the user could uninstall it without special tools.


Total junk unless you are testing how well your malware scanner holds up. Avoid this download at all costs.

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'Too much work to get rid of all parts'

'Too much work to get rid of all parts'


If you like being harassed to spend money games, then this is the program for you.



This program was already installed on my new laptop. When I went to uninstall it, I was forced to spend 2-3 hours finding all the links, icons, folders and registry keys to get it to remove the links from the App page on Windows 8. I read that Wildtangent support stated that it could not be done because of issues with Windows. I think that is a load of BS. If all I had to do was delete several keys from the registry then is could be done. They just did not want to because they wanted permanent advertisement on your computer.


Any program that is code in a way that I have to spend more than 15 mins to remove is a waste of space. You have to be rather computer savvy to know haw to get the last bit of it out, so that means that there are allow of computers out there are are FORCED to see this crap all the time


None experienced.


This came automatically installed on my new laptop. After I uninstalled it, I checked under my Programs-Games menu. There's a list of links to web URLs at the WildTangent website to download their games. My children share this computer for school work, and I want no easy reminders of all the games out there to distract them from their studies (another computer is setup for their access to games and this one should be completely free of them). If I want to install games on a computer, I can search them out myself without this 'push' from WildTangent towards their games. I would expect an uninstall to completely remove these links.


I'm disappointed with Toshiba for bundling this software on their computers. Software which, due to its easy accessibility for kids, makes it all-to-easy for kids to push their parents for more game time. At the very least, an uninstall should remove all traces of WildTangent.

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{ review.getRatingValue }}

'They Lied to Me'

'They Lied to Me'


Don't know. I uninstalled shortly after downloading.


Their web page said I could try a games for free. As soon as I tried tor run it, they said I was out of credits and would need to buy some.


Go somewhere else. These people are scam artists.


easy/free/4xcellent Help response
GReat games/inexpensive play & great 'deals'/sales



none I have found



{ review.getRatingValue }}

'how do I delete this'

'how do I delete this'


how do I delete this


I don't want this, how do I delete it


how do I delete this

Reply by michaelisthename on August 21, 2012

Control panel - add remove programs


the diversity of game play


A lot of the games have potions/magic/witchcraft/sorcery in them. We just are not a magic kind of family =)


Over all we just stay away from the 'magic' ones and stick to the more family friendly play.
Updated on Aug 28, 2011

we have been using Wild Tangent for almost 5 years now and our whole family LOVES IT! Double Thumbs Up!!! =)

{ review.getRatingValue }}

'Adware In Download'

'Adware In Download'


I deleted this off my computer after many attempts by another company to add Adware to my computer. Thank goodness my Zone Alarm program stopped it. I would NOT recommend this product.

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Unspecified bug fixes and feature updates.


Publisher web site
Release DateSeptember 17, 2018
Date AddedSeptember 17, 2018


SubcategoryArcade Games

Operating Systems

Operating Systems Windows XP/Vista/7
Additional Requirements None

Download Information

File Size 1.2MB
File Name Setup-wildgames!1f9c0f97f52f463fa76e80c2bcf9a426.exe


Total Downloads232,386
Downloads Last Week 318


License Model Free
Limitations Not available
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Genres:RPG / Action Role-Playing
Release Date:June 20, 2005
Game Modes:Singleplayer

Let’s not have unrealistic expectations. Fate, an action role-playing game, is a budget release. It’s a simple formula, on the surface: a dungeon, a Foozle, and as many random number generators as needed to occupy the player between the two. It’s an old idea that was tried with Sacred, Divine Divinity, Dungeon Siege, and of course Diablo.

In Fate, you play a hobbit out to invade the local mega-dungeon and score scads of experience, skills, loot, and, uh, fish. If the plot seems largely nonexistent in that description, it’s because the game’s designers figured we wanted less text scroll and more plunder. FATE is essentially Diablo, streamlined and polished until just the really fun bits remain, like the dungeon crawling, the wholesale pillaging, and the character dress-up. All of the good stuff is in there: gambling for high-ticket gear, socketed items to customize, shrines, and random enchantments.

There are also random quests that scale well to your character’s level, which provide you large experience boosts and nab you “fame” (which in turn grants you access to better kit). Better yet, there’s a simple yet oddly absorbing fishing mini-game, which is certain to key into any of your obsessive-compulsive disorders. Early on, it can nab you fish to temporarily transform your surprisingly capable AI pet into a more powerful form, or even a low-level artifact or two. As you delve into the lower floors of the dungeon, fishing can nab you permanent transformations for your pet, or score you the uber-artifacts whose sale can finance your gambling addiction and the expensive fame upgrades from the local bard.

Fate Free Game Download

There are no classes in the game, just skills such as Attack and Defense Magic, weapon specialties (including dual-wielding), and various passive skills like Critical Strike and Spellcasting. This allows you to develop your character as you see fit, and means that all of the loot you get is largely usable save for specific minimum base requirements. Fate strikes an elegant balance when it comes to difficulty, and features the best method of handling character death seen in any game of this type.

Instead of losing your items and reappearing in town, it gives you three options: sacrifice a chunk of fame and experience for an on-the-spot resurrection; pay a big fine in gold and get dumped in a random nearby level; or just drop all your gold where you died and then trek back down to get it. Usually, it’s easiest to opt for the second option—while the game makes experience easy to get, losing fame really hurts.

Fortunately, death isn’t that common, even on the Hero setting. Dying is almost never due to controls, but rather overconfidence and negligence, as it should be for games of this genre. The interface itself is a joy, much as it is in the Blizzard games. Colorful feedback is always available, and each button and click has a specific, obvious, on-screen response. The backpack sorely needs a sort button, though.

System Requirements: Pentium III 700 MHz, 256 MB RAM, WinXP

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